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发表时间:2021/6/18 20:37:26 阅读次数: | |
1.入职浙大后的科研项目 1.1 入职浙大后主持的科研项目: - 2020.09-现在,浙江大学“百人计划”自然科学A类研究员启动经费,课题负责人。 - 2020.11-现在,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心“青年人才卓越计划”启动经费,课题负责人。 - 2021.01-现在, 浙江省高层次人才计划,课题负责人。 - 2021.01-现在,曹光彪科研基金专项,课题负责人。 - 2021.04-现在, 中央高校基本科研业务费青年专项,课题负责人。 - 2021.05-现在, 台达基金青年项目,课题负责人。
1.2 入职浙大后参与的科研项目: - 2020.12-现在,国家自然科学基金重点项目,“面向电动汽车快充站等直流型负荷的主动配电架构、变换和调控方法”。负责人:(徐德鸿教授) - 2020.12-现在,国家自然科学国际联合项目,“城市智能配电网中变换装备的交互运行与弹性调控基础研究”。负责人:(马皓教授) - 2020.12-现在, 企业项目(华为数字能源),“高效高密ACDC技术合作项目”。负责人:(马皓教授) - 2020.12-现在,企业项目(上海电气国轩),“大规模储能电站集成设计与仿真分析验证项目”。负责人:(马皓教授)
2.入职浙大前的科研项目 2.1 入职浙大前主持的科研项目: 2017-2020年在新加坡南洋理工大学任助理教授期间,主持科研项目24项(总经费8887万元/支配经费3993万元),包括:新加坡国家示范工程2项、新加坡国家重点研发计划1项、新加坡国家自然基金项目9项、美国海军项目1项、南洋理工大学人才专项1项、劳斯莱斯企业项目3项、维斯塔斯企业项目1项、新加坡Newcastle创新研究院项目1项等。代表性项目如下: 1) 新加坡公司承担的政府项目(1S$ = 5 元汇率计算) [1] 2019.06-2020.08, 新加坡港务局行政办公楼节能示范工程,政府示范工程(PI: 总经费 S$ 700,000).
[2] 2019.11-2020.08, 新加坡星展银行(DBS)行政楼低能耗楼宇改造示范工程,政府示范工程(PI: 总经费 S$ 500,000).
[3] 2020.02-2020.08, 新加坡Newcastle创新研究院—用于心脏起搏器的高压脉冲电源,企业项目(PI: 总经费 S$ 16,050).
2) 南洋理工大学承担的科研项目(1S$ = 5 元汇率计算) [4] 2020.03-2020.08, High-performance, High-energy-efficiency and High-reliability (H3) based Smart Air-Balancing System with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT) and Fault Detection & Diagnostics (FDD)Technologies, MOE, Tier 1 Singapore. 项目号:RT07/19.(PI: 总经费 S$ 200,000).
[5] 2019.05-2020.08, Ultra-high power density wireless charging for maritime applications, Research Council of Norway (RCN) and the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI), 项目号:SMI-2019-MA-02 (RCN Project No: 294871).(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 1,017,600).
[6] 2019.04-2020.08, Stochastic Stability Analysis, Control, and Optimization of Complex Power Systems with Extra-High-Level Intermittent Renewable Energies, Ministry of Education, Singapore. 项目号:RG75/19 (2019-T1-001-069).(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 120,000).
[7] 2019.04-2020.08, Power Converters, Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate project, Rolls-Royce. 项目号:RRE 2.1.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 1,771,980).
[8] 2019.04-2020.08, Topology and control for high voltage modular power converter for aerospace application, Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate project, Rolls-Royce. 项目号:RRE 2.1.1.(PI: 总经费 S$ 40,000).
[9] 2019.04-2020.08, Insulation, thermal and component analysis for high voltage modular power converter for aerospace application, Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate project, Rolls-Royce. 项目号:RRE 2.1.2.(PI: 总经费 S$ 40,000).
[10] 2019.03-2019.05, Development of a Planning Tool for Electric Vehicle Impact Analysis and Urban Living Electrical Infrastructure Planning, NRF-USS, Singapore. 项目号:Closed grant call.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 147,000).
[11] 2019.02-2020.08, A Universal Hardware-In-Loop Platform for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids, US Navy. 项目号:N62909-19-1-2037.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 408,000).
[12] 2019.02-2020.08, On-line Smart Air-Balancing System for Net Zero Energy Buildings, Building and Construction Authority, Singapore. 项目号:BCA 总经费 S$ 799,980).
[13] 2018.11-2020.08, Topology Design, Control Strategy and Stability Analysis of the Multi-Port DC Energy Router (MDER) in the Smart Building Applications, ACRF Tier 1, MOE, Singapore. 项目号:RG 85/18.(PI: 总经费 S$ 142,500).
[14] 2017.09-2020.08, Stability, Reliability and Advanced Control of Power Electronic Systems (SCOPES), SUG grant of NTU. 项目号:Start-up Grant for Assist Professor Zhang Xin.(PI: 总经费 S$ 300,000).
[15] 2018.05-2020.08, THERMAL & IAQ - Thermal Comfort and Indoor air Quality Improvement, RCA industrial grant. 项目号:RCA industrial grant.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 259,200).
[16] 2018.04-2020.08, THERMAL & IAQ, (IAF-ICP)Projects, Singapore.项目号:I1801E0020.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 1,938,000).
[17] 2018.02-2020.08, Hybrid Energy Storage System for Automotive Applications, Cooperated with Energy Research Institute @ NTU. National Research Foundation, Singapore.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 998,870).
[18] 2018.02-2020.08, DC Power Collection, Vestas-NTU, Singapore. National Research Foundation, Singapore. 项目号:Vestas-NTU项目.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 1,063,880.86).
[19] 2017.10-2020.08, Solid State Transformers for Grids 2.0, National Research Foundation, Singapore. 项目号:NRF Grid 2.0 项目.(Co-PI: 总经费 S$ 5,521,325).
2.2 入职浙大前参与的科研项目: 以研究员、副研究员和博士后等身份参与科研项目12项(总经费3435万元),包括英国EPSRC重点基金项目和国家重点基金项目等。代表性项目如下: [1] 2016.12-2017.09, Characterization and Control of a System with Multiple Offshore Power Inverters Connected in Parallel with Long Cables [9054018 (N_CityU128/15)], City University of Hong Kong.(参与身份: 研究员, HK$1,149,266(104.58万)).
[2] 2014.02-2016.12, Fundamental Understanding of Technologies for Ultra Reduced Emission (FUTURE) Vehicles [EPSRC Grant EP/I038586/1], the University of Sheffield.(参与身份: 副研究员, £3,012,029 (2644.56万)). |
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